Department Of Geography

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Govt. Arts & Science College Tholanur
Department Of Geography

Geography as a discipline has evolved as a technical and application-oriented science. The wisdom of knowledge related to earth and its environment and application of geospatial technologies viz., GIS, GPS and the survey tools like Total Station, Computational and Statistical packages help to solve environmental, political, economic and other social problems.Established in 2018, the Department of Geography is one of the prominent departments of Govt.

Arts and Science College Tholanur. The Department now offers an Undergraduate course from 2018 and Masters in Geography from 2020 admission onwards. The Department of Geography aims to train the students to get an integral perspective taking both the natural and social sciences into consideration as Geographers are called upon in situation where spatially defined phenomena have to be dealt with.


The department has a well-equipped Cartography and GIS (Geographic Information System) Laboratory. This includes Survey of India Topographic sheets of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Punjab and Haryana on 1:250,000, 1:50,000 and 1:25,000 scales. There are number of survey equipment like chain, plane table, dumpy levels, clinometers, prismatic compasses etc. The GIS lab has 10 PCs with latest configurations with peripherals and an internet connection. The Department acquired modern tools like Mirror Stereoscopes, Digital Handycam, Hand held GPS receivers, Digital Satellite data of IRS LISS IV and LANDSAT satellites.

  • To develop Geography as an enriched discipline
  • To teach, to spread and to flourish geographical knowledge
  • To achieve higher levels of academic excellence
  • To inculcate geographical/natural/environmental values in students.
  • To create awareness about the importance of Geography in the field of Competitive Examinations.
  • To create awareness on Social relevance of Geography in the society and to serve the society.
  • To provide awareness on the environment and mother earth.
  • To protect and to care the environment forever.
  • To make geography as a strong foundation for pursuing higher studies.
  • To create identity as a strong department in our college.
  • To spread knowledge about newly emerging trends and techniques in the subject

  • We are on a mission to impart to our students maximum academic support and intensive classroom teaching with a friendly atmosphere.
  • We are on a mission to spread, make aware and inculcate to our students, values for environment, nature, earth and for human kind.
  • We do strongly advocate for protection of environment and we have kept our premises green by planting trees, saplings of plants etc.
  • We are working with our own building and three classrooms and well furnished survey lab, project lab and computer lab and we are thriving to introduce new technologies to the disciples, even though there are limitations
  • We are currently, making the department well connected with its assets and machinery to serve for local bodies and other governmental institutions (educational and non-educational), by offering them support through projects, training programmes and extension activities.
  • We, by including nature camps, seminars, symposiums, exhibitions, extension lectures, day observations into our curriculum, apart from daily teaching, we are trying to mould our students more creative and innovative in academic and non-academic pursuits.
  • We, on our administrative side, are very capable of handling day to day official chores with ease and efficiency and we do keep a warm channel with principal’s office and staff.